Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pine trees

We have a really nice neighbor in Mike Coffee. He and his wife Karen are also new to the area, and between us we are finding good places for lumber, salvage, eating, renting equipment, etc, etc, etc!

A few weeks ago we had a conversation about planting trees. In Wisconsin the Natural Resource Department would sell reforestation trees at a very reasonable price, and we both hoped to find something like that in TN.

Yesterday morning Mike drove down our driveway and said, "how many trees do you want?".
He had been out running errands and heard on the radio that the Forestry service was giving away pine trees- small seedlings, 8-10 inches tall. Wow! How nice!

This morning Harry and I went down the road to plant them. Our road comes off a frontage road, and there are pines running along it blocking view of the freeway and blocking some of the noise. In a few areas there aren't any trees, so we planted ours there. When they grow up they'll help keep things quiet.

8 am 30 degrees
4:15pm 50 degrees

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