In the afternoon I went to work in the inlet and burn some branches and logs. Within minutes of me lighting the fires, the wind started gusting. The bonfires leaped higher and higher, and some leaves about 20 feet away started smoking and then burning. I tried to pull the wood piles apart so they wouldn't burn as fast, but was afraid that would cause more sparks to fly.
All I could think of was that I would be on the news! The woman who caused a forest fire! Or even worse, burned down her husband's dream home 4 months after they move in! I was in full panic mode and this time I used the cell phone to call Harry for help and urge him to come down and help me. To make matters worse, a neighbor across the inlet came down to see what was going on. I felt horrible, I kept saying "I have a burning permit!" "It wasn't windy when I started!"
Harry finally arrived and helped pull the brush piles apart. I was worried that now the wood would burn too slowly, and possibly smolder all night. I suggested dowsing the fires with water, and Harry agreed. It took lots of buckets from the stream, but I felt much better putting the fire out completely.
The experience dampened my enthusiasm for burning all the driftwood in the inlet, I won't do any more burning until we get some rain. There had been two other bad forest fires in the area- one in Knoxville and one in Pigeon Forge, and I'm so happy I didn't add to them.
7 a.m. 37 degrees
2 p.m. 70 degrees
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