Thursday, April 12, 2007
Baby Eagles
I've been watching this website for a while, the eagles laid eggs and were incubating them, or so everyone thought. After leaving the nest unoccupied for over 3 hours in freezing weather, and not seeing any eggs on a flyover, the biologists concluded the eagles either didn't lay eggs, or the eggs died.
To everyone's surprise, we saw one of the eagles move to the edge of the nest this morning, and saw a little eaglet in the bottom of the nest! Big excitement!
Cool video to watch and listen to, interesting blog to read, and a worthy cause to donate to!
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Knut Mania

Have you heard about Knut? He is the first Polar Bear to be born at the Berlin Zoo in over 30 years.
Rejected by his mother, he is being raised by a zookeeper- and this is causing all sorts of controversy among animal activists that claim this is making the bear a domestic pet.
"Hand-rearing a polar bear is not appropriate and is a serious violation of animal rights," Bild newspaper quoted animal rights campaigner Frank Albrecht as saying.
"In fact, the cub should have been killed," he added.
Zoo Berlin / EXPERIENCE / Young animals / Ice Bear Knut
This just in-Knut's mother used to be a performing animal in an East German zoo.
Knut's mother Tosca – formerly a performing animal in an East German zoo – rejected Knut and his twin brother shortly after their birth. The twin died but Knut was "adopted" by zookeeper Thomas Doerflein.
The polar bear is bottle-fed, washed and cuddled by his adoptive father, who moved in to the zoo to sleep in a bed by the bearA's crate. Newspapers report that Doerflein also plays him Elvis songs on the guitar and gave him Christmas presents.
Apart from all the controversy, Knut is so darn CUTE that you can't help but make little squeeky baby noises when you see him! ooh, look at that liddle piddle face! - The Internet's Landfill Alternative
This is an interesting site-® is a Web site where global Businesses and Individuals may list excess inventory, possessions or goods for donation. Charities, Businesses or Individuals registered with® are able to search the site for things that they can use, and make requests for items of interest. Items listed on Throwplace are not for sale—they are to be given away.
I like the idea of this- sort of a global recycling agency. I hope it turns into something big!Friday, March 30, 2007
zoomquilt2.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
zoomquilt2.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
8 am 52 degrees
Partly sunny
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Water is coming up!

Not a great photo, but you can see how the water is coming up in the inlet. There are two guys in a boat fishing there. If you go back to February I have a picture of the same spot, mostly dry. The shale wall is now completely underwater, making it about 8 ft deep in that spot.
8 am 53 degrees
9 pm 58 degrees
Sunny and hot
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Greenhouse update 3-25-07
That Casey!
Spring is here...
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Greenhouse update

Well, today the guys from Trinity Construction gave us a hand and helped us put up the last 4 spans. Then Harry clambered around on the scaffolding all day trying to get the purlins in place. (The purlins are the long supports that run the length of the greenhouse and anchor the spans in place- I think!) Each purlin is about 8 ft long and heavy! One end is swaged, or narrowed, so it can fit into the end of the next piece. Each purlin has to be threaded through a fitting on the span- not easy when you're standing on the scaffolding 12 ft off the ground! Poor Harry. It was a lot of hard work on a warm day.
On a more positive note, Happy Birthday Madison!
8 a.m. 52 degrees
7:15 p.m. 73 degrees
Happy Birthday Madison!
8am 52 degrees
7:15 pm 73 degrees
Partly cloudy
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Tryin to kill my dog???

News of the pet food recall broke Sunday on the Anatolian Shepherd Dog list, and Monday I checked out the Menu Foods website to scan the list of recalled food. So far it is only canned or pouched food, but I'm still worried since we use a few of the affected brand's dry food or biscuits.
Tonight after an update on local pets on the news, I rechecked the list. What the???? Now we have a recalled can of food- Paws with Lamb Cuts and Vegetables. Did I miss it the first time I checked? How scary!
We don't routinely feed our dogs canned food as a meal. They do however, get a little snack every night of a spoonful of canned food. I've been meaning to open the Paws can but since it is a 22 oz. can I wasn't sure my plastic lid I use on the cans would fit. Right now I'm so happy I never opened this can.
You know, the can has no indication on it that is is made by Menu Foods in Canada. As a matter of fact it has "Product of USA" printed on the label. Tsk! Shame!
I'm getting a little scared about food. Just a few weeks ago we had to toss a jar of peanut butter because that brand recalled them. Hope they never get my Cheetos!
8 am 50 degrees
5:30 pm 68 degrees
cloudy, rain in late afternoon
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Pine trees
A few weeks ago we had a conversation about planting trees. In Wisconsin the Natural Resource Department would sell reforestation trees at a very reasonable price, and we both hoped to find something like that in TN.
Yesterday morning Mike drove down our driveway and said, "how many trees do you want?".
He had been out running errands and heard on the radio that the Forestry service was giving away pine trees- small seedlings, 8-10 inches tall. Wow! How nice!
This morning Harry and I went down the road to plant them. Our road comes off a frontage road, and there are pines running along it blocking view of the freeway and blocking some of the noise. In a few areas there aren't any trees, so we planted ours there. When they grow up they'll help keep things quiet.
8 am 30 degrees
4:15pm 50 degrees
Friday, March 16, 2007
Happy Birthday Carie!
rained all night last night. cloudy today.
8 a.m. 55 degrees.
6:30 p.m. 39
You, Turkey

You'll probably have to click on the photo to enlarge it, but see if you can count the turkeys in this picture. We have a large herd in the area- we've counted over 30 birds. They are wonderful and awesome. So big! I hope no one shoots them! Here they are casually strolling away since they've spotted me in the distance.
8 am 55 degrees
6:30 pm 39 degrees
rained all last night.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Puppy's Birthday
Today is the Ides of March, and we picked Puppy up 4 years ago, so I guess we can consider this his birthday! He got extra brushing and petting today, and this afternoon I took him for a walk all by himself, and let him go swimming. He was a pretty happy dog after that.
8 a.m. 55 degrees
7 p.m. rain.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Google Mars
Google Mars
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Woop Woop?
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Goin' Swimmin'
Friday, March 9, 2007
Starting actual Greenhouse
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Greenhouse update

In the afternoon I went to work in the inlet and burn some branches and logs. Within minutes of me lighting the fires, the wind started gusting. The bonfires leaped higher and higher, and some leaves about 20 feet away started smoking and then burning. I tried to pull the wood piles apart so they wouldn't burn as fast, but was afraid that would cause more sparks to fly.
All I could think of was that I would be on the news! The woman who caused a forest fire! Or even worse, burned down her husband's dream home 4 months after they move in! I was in full panic mode and this time I used the cell phone to call Harry for help and urge him to come down and help me. To make matters worse, a neighbor across the inlet came down to see what was going on. I felt horrible, I kept saying "I have a burning permit!" "It wasn't windy when I started!"
Harry finally arrived and helped pull the brush piles apart. I was worried that now the wood would burn too slowly, and possibly smolder all night. I suggested dowsing the fires with water, and Harry agreed. It took lots of buckets from the stream, but I felt much better putting the fire out completely.
The experience dampened my enthusiasm for burning all the driftwood in the inlet, I won't do any more burning until we get some rain. There had been two other bad forest fires in the area- one in Knoxville and one in Pigeon Forge, and I'm so happy I didn't add to them.
7 a.m. 37 degrees
2 p.m. 70 degrees
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Greenhouse Arrives!!

This morning we got a call that the greenhouse was on its way. The driver was about 50 miles away. When he got to our house, there was some bad news. The greenhouse was in a full size semi trailer, 52 feet long. The driver wasn't worried about driving down our driveway, but he didn't think he'd be able to turn around once he got to our house. Somehow someone (not me!) came up with the bright idea of backing the truck up the driveway to our house. Now, I wouldn't even back a car down that steep, narrow driveway! And it is 2/10ths of a mile from the road to the house!
We also had to get the greenhouse pallets off the truck by ourselves. We don't own a forklift, so Harry planned on pulling them out with his tractor.
The truck driver walked back to our house and said we'd have to unload up at the road and bring everything down on our utility trailer. We weren't too happy about that but felt better when the driver offered to help us lift the boxes.
Luckily one of our neighbors was driving by. He owns a tractor and tire center and called for one of his tow trucks. By the time we got up to the road the flatbed tow truck was backed up to the semi. Although our greenhouse was all the way in the front of the semi, the tow guys hooked a chain on it and pulled it all the way onto the tow truck. Then they drove the truck down our driveway, tipped the flatbed part up, and slid the pallet onto our driveway. What lifesavers!
Did I mention all the greenhouse pieces were on a 19 foot long pallet? It would have been almost impossible for us to get that up to our house, even using our 8 ft long trailer. And moving everything by hand? Our Bill of Lading said the shipping weight was 4542 pounds. We can't thank those tow guys enough! They were very, very nice.
7 a.m. 37 degrees
4 p.m. 70 degrees
Sunny and breezy
Monday, March 5, 2007
gh update
Thursday, March 1, 2007
7 a.m. 42 degrees
8 p.m. 61 degrees
Monday, February 26, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Greenhouse Construction
Friday, February 23, 2007
Greenhouse Contstruction Starts!

Harry hired Trinity Construction to build a base for the greenhouse to sit on, since the ground isn't flat at the site.
Robert and Mark came out and started work today- first they dig 18 holes for the footers. Poor guys, they really earned their money. The ground was so rocky they had to use a pickaxe to dig the holes- and the holes were two feet deep. Ugh!
7 a.m. 47 degrees
5 p.m. 59 degrees
Monday, February 19, 2007
Computer woes
After a lot of searching, we could only find one computer repair place in the area. The owner seemed nice but she was doubtful about repairing a Dell, so I continued looking.... I ended up calling Dell, even though the computer was out of warranty. They could repair it, but could not guarantee the hard drive.
Luckily, it didn't take them very long to repair it, and when I plugged my hard drive back in, everything was back to normal! Of course, the first thing I did was burn all my photos to CDs!
7 a.m. 19 degrees
5:30 p.m. 52 degrees
Partly cloudy day
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Bryant's Inlet Part 2

As you look at the photos of the inlet, keep in mind that in April, this will all be water- right up to the tree line. The only thing I don't like about our lake is that you can walk around the water's edge like you can in lakes up north. The photo with the very orange soil is of the main channel of the lake. Again, that will all be under water soon.
Bryant's Inlet

Thursday, February 1, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007

Although it rained a few days ago, I thought it was cold enough to walk the dogs in the inlets today. I should explain that we live on a TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)) lake. This lake was formed by building a dam and flooding part of the countryside. The water level is lowered in the fall until our section of the lake looks like a small river. Our street runs down the middle of a peninsula into the lake, our property is on one inlet and the folks across the road are on another inlet. During the winter, the inlets are almost completely dry, and they are very interesting to walk in.
First we walked down our neighbor's driveway to check out their house (they were out of town). After walking around the house, we headed down the hill to their pier. The ramp to the dock was pretty steep since there isn't any water in the inlet and the dock is sitting on the bottom. Although there was a thin layer of frost on the ramp, I thought it would be OK to walk on... oooh, was I wrong! Puppy and Casey walked on OK, and I gingerly stepped out- with the first footstep I though, "this might not be a good idea" and as soon as I put my second foot down, we all started to slide down the ramp like skiers on a ski jump! I knew there was a small gap between the ramp and the dock, and didn't want any of us to get caught in that- so about halfway down I flung myself off the side, Casey and I fell together and Puppy leaped on his own. We were all OK, although my behind was a little sore where I fell...
We continued on our walk, it was such a beautiful cool morning, sunny and bright. I had on my long winter coat so was warm as could be. As we walked out of the inlet, Puppy decided he wanted to go towards the lake to check it out. Fine, no problem. We had to step across a winding rivulet about 6 inches wide on the way. The ground was frozen with a thin sheet of ice covering it. As I stepped over the rivulet again, I heard a "crack" and my foot went through the ice and into the mud underneath it- up to my knee. I couldn't get my foot out! It felt like it was in glue! As I tried to pull, my other foot broke through too, and I fell so I was sitting on the ice.
Of course, there was no one around. I thought about calling Harry on the cell phone (that we bought mostly for when I'm walking the dogs) but knew it would take him probably 20 minutes to get to where I was. Then I got the bright idea of trying to walk in the rivulet... I pulled out my second foot, and stepped into the water- and my foot sunk up to mid calf! I started feeling pretty desperate and Puppy must have realized that. He walked over on the ice, reared up on his back legs , then pounced, using his front feet to break a hole in the ice. Not helping!
After he did it a second time, I said "NO!" and he seemed to get the hint.
Somehow I remembered some nature show I had seen long ago that said you could swim out of quicksand by moving slowly- so I lay down on my back, and made some mighty pulls until I got my feet out (what a relief that was) and then shimmied along on my back until I made it to drier ground. Then I had to walk home! The amazing part was that even though my legs and shoes were covered with mud, my feet were dry! (Yay, Nike tennies!) Still, cleaning up was a mess!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Sis!
Happy Birthday Karin!
This was also my Grandpa's birthday. He and Karin were born on the same day, 60 years apart.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Sun and Snow

We don't always get to see a pretty sunrise since the hills block the sun coming up, but once in a while there is a beauty! Later in the day we went for a drive up English Mountain (Westernmost Mountain in Smokey Mountains). We couldn't get very far up the mountain, but saw some pretty views. Although our dusting of snow this morning melted, there was still snow on the mountain...