I always felt sorry for people that seemed to have a lot of computer problems. Today, it was my turn! I was using my laptop and set it aside on the floor to eat some pizza. I partially closed the top of it, but was in the middle of updating the
Lakeside Callas website so I didn't want to turn it off. Horrors- as I reached for a glass of grape juice, I tipped it and it spilled on the computer (and the chair, and the floor, and my papers, and the sofa...). The computer initially seemed OK but then I couldn't turn it off- and then later I couldn't turn it on. Loss of the computer I could deal with, but I had never backed up anything from my hard drive- mostly hundreds and hundreds of photos I didn't want to lose!
After a lot of searching, we could only find one computer repair place in the area. The owner seemed nice but she was doubtful about repairing a Dell, so I continued looking.... I ended up calling Dell, even though the computer was out of warranty. They could repair it, but could not guarantee the hard drive.
Luckily, it didn't take them very long to repair it, and when I plugged my hard drive back in, everything was back to normal! Of course, the first thing I did was burn all my photos to CDs!
7 a.m. 19 degrees
5:30 p.m. 52 degrees
Partly cloudy day