My niece is a nurse, my sister is a nurse, and my nephew works retail- so they all have to work their share of weekends. The only time my family could all get together for Christmas was on December 29th. After talking to my Mom on Christmas, I got a severe case of homesickness, so I somehow talked Harry into letting me drive up to Wisconsin to surprise my family. I decided to drive up on the 28th, have Christmas with them on the 29th, and since my parents had to go out of town on the 30th, I'd leave then to come home. In retrospect it wasn't such a great idea. I should have stayed for a few days at least! But it was nice to see everyone, and they were surprised!
I took Casey with me so Harry wouldn't have so many dogs to deal with at home. I was really worried about the dogs getting loose and Harry not being able to catch them by himself. Puppy got loose a few times when we lived in Wisconsin, and we literally had to chase him until he got tired, which was over an hour. My biggest fear is that one of our dogs will get hit by a car. Building a penned dog area is high on our construction priority list!
Casey was good in the car, although she likes to ride in the front seat instead of staying in the back of the jeep where she belongs. The 11 hour drive to Wisconsin was fairly uneventful.